Nov 6, 2021

Precious jewels in heaven!


Mirza Saab admiring Chinar leaves in Srinagar

These that wither and rustle,
These that sparkle and crumble,
These that are spread so bountiful,
These that are infinitely beautiful -
Mamma, are these leaves of Chinar,
What they call precious jewels?
And the land that nurtures them,
Is this what they call heaven?
For their fleeting company 
Brings to me unbounded joy!
What else can be precious?
Where else can be heaven?

Sep 14, 2021

Virtues of Relationships?

Speak of Love! (PC: Myself!)

Those who preach 
The virtues of relationships,
Mind a few subtleties that make 
It worth the idea of companionship.
One is called 'choice',
Another is 'perspective',
Few more are called
'Expectations', 'mutual respect',
'Evolving values' and 'contingent truths'.
Only after thou appreciate these,
Do dare to speak of 'Love'!

Aug 31, 2021

The wild flower


PC: Myself!!

 This is an attempted translation of a Kannada poem. The original penned by the philosopher-poet D V Gundappa is titled "vana suma" (literally 'forest flower'). A prayer seeking more humility!


Oh Lord...
Master, refine my soul so
That my life too may evolve
As that of the "wild flower"!

Like the jasmine in the forest
That blooms in silence,
Spreads true fragrance in joy;
Blooming behind the leaves
Being in all humility,
Abandoning pride,
As it attains fulfillment.

Oh Lord...
Master, refine my soul so
That my life too may evolve
As that of the "wild flower"!

"Benefactor am I and
My benefaction to the world"
Saved from such
Perverted thought;
Let me live in genuine grace
Like that of a tree that provides
Abundant shade, good fruits
And fragrant flowers.

Oh Lord...
Master, refine my soul so
That my life too may evolve
As that of the "wild flower"!

 The original (In Kannada) - 

ವನಸುಮದೊಳೆನ್ನ ಜೀ-
ವನವು ವಿಕಸಿಸುವಂತೆ
ಮನವನನುಗೊಳಿಸು ಗುರುವೆ
ಹೇ ದೇವ

ಕಾನನದಿ ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆಯು
ಮೌನದಿಂ ಬಿರಿದು ನಿಜ
ಸೌರಭವ ಸೂಸಿ ನಲವಿಂ
ತಾನೆಲೆಯ ಪಿಂತಿರ್ದು
ದೀನತೆಯ ತೋರಿ ಅಭಿ-
ಮಾನವನು ತೊರೆದು
ಕೃತಕೃತ್ಯತೆಯ ಪಡೆವಂತೆ

ವನಸುಮದೊಳೆನ್ನ ಜೀ-
ವನವು ವಿಕಸಿಸುವಂತೆ
ಮನವನನುಗೊಳಿಸು ಗುರುವೆ
ಹೇ ದೇವ

ಉಪಕಾರಿ ನಾನು ಎನ್ನ
ಉಪಕೃತಿಯು ಜಗಕೆಂಬ
ವಿಪರೀತ ಮತಿಯನುಳಿದು
ವಿಪುಲಾಶ್ರಯನೀವ ಸುಫಲ
ಸುಮಭರಿತ ಪಾದಪದಂತೆ
ನೈಜಮಾದೊಳ್ವಿನಿಂ ಬಾಳ್ವವೊಲು

ವನಸುಮದೊಳೆನ್ನ ಜೀ-
ವನವು ವಿಕಸಿಸುವಂತೆ
ಮನವನನುಗೊಳಿಸು ಗುರುವೆ
ಹೇ ದೇವ