Nov 26, 2014

मुहब्बत के दर्द

PC: Kotresh HR

"The loss of love is a terrible thing;
They lie who say that death is worse."
- Countee Cullen

वो जो कभी मेरी रूँह की साँस थी
आज बस एक याद की परछाई हैं।
वो जो अभी मेरे दिल की धड़कन हैं
कल बस एक खयाल ही बन बचेगी।
लेकिन जैसे तब न साँस रोक पाया था
वैसे अब दिल की धड़कन न रोक पा रहा।
गुज़रे बिन रिहा कहाँ मुहब्बत के दर्द से?

(She who was once the breath of my soul
Is today only a shadow of memory. 
She who is now the beat of my heart
Will also one day remain only a thought.
But like how I couldn't stop breathing then
I am not able to stop my heart from beating now. 
Without having undergone, how is one 
                             liberated from the pain of love?)


  1. Just a random thought came to my mind, why always "She" ? why not "He" ??

    1. Haha!! The poem was originally written from a girl's perspective. In the original I scribbled it as 'he' but when I was looking for a suitable picture to post along with the poem, I came across this brilliant picture my friend had composed. It appears as if he is lost in thought and the shades above and below the cloud are different. Below - brown - earthly as if bound. Above - blue - heavenly as if liberated. It seemed to complement the last line of the poem well. So to go with the picture I changed it to 'she'.
      And generally on this blog, the usage of "he" or "she" is based on who or which thought triggered the thoughts in the poem.
