Dec 18, 2014

घर वापसी *

To those campaigns of religious conversions and reconversions,
Where I am afraid if in emphasizing an identity of religion
We deny ourselves the identity of being human.

* The recent campaigns of supposedly reconverting Muslims and Christians to Hinduism are being described as "ghar vapasi" (Returning back home)

घर वापस आने को घर भी तो हो अपना !
ना ईंट-ओ-पत्तर का, ना कौम-ओ-मज़हब का,
घर होता हैं प्यार-ओ-इज़्ज़त का, दिल-ओ-दर्द का
  ना हो घर ऐसा तो बेहाल ज़िन्दगी बेघर ही सही ।

(To return back home, one should have a home of his own.
Not that of bricks and stones, Not that of community and religion,
A home is that of love and respect, that of heart and pain.
If home is not as such, miserable life at peace being homeless!)

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