Feb 17, 2015

Agreed.... Yet....?

“For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks… the work for which all other work is but preparation" 
- Rainer Maria Rilke

The secret of the setting Sun or the secret of the scheming spider? 
(PC: Myself)

अगर आख़िर में तुझे राज़ ही बनके रहना था 
तो बाँटके दर्द, बनाया क्यों मुझे राज़दार?
(If in the end, you had to remain a secret
Why did you share thy pain and
trust me with secrets?)
Agreed, you intend not to invoke 
     ever again those incomplete words.
Agreed, you intend not to knit 
     any further those incomplete dreams.
Agreed, all beautiful things 
     must at some point come to an end.
Yet, why does this incomplete craving 
     of the heart refuse to cease?
Yet, why does this chaos of emotion
     refuse to surrender to the logic of reason?
Yet, why do I have so many complaints
     when I accept all that has happened?

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