Jun 29, 2016

Dark desert battles!

Original Painting by Auguste Glaize (1807-1893)
"The Women of Gaul" - An episode during the Roman invasion of Gaul, Painting done in 1851

       It was a dark night. A stormy one. Desert storms are bad, they are brutal too. I struggled my way to the high moral ground and preached to my fellow warriors. Some cheered, some booed. That is how it is, I thought. Energized by the assumption that I had fuelled their spirits, I bravely battled the enemy all through the night.
       As the Sun came above the horizon in the early hours, I saw the landscape. A freaking sight! The moral high ground I supposed in the night was only a heap of corpses of my own men! The ground in the desert is all fleeting. As my own men stare at me and their stare terrifies me more than that of the enemy forces, it feels as if the sand flows and where I thought was the high ground in the night, now seems to be the pit of my downfall.

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