Jan 28, 2013

My right to dream!

Picture credit: Elisa Ursalas Photography

No, not again.
Spare me this overdose.
Not again, someone else's dreams.

I do not want it.
I can not live with them.
Not again, someone else's dreams.

Burden me not.
Sick and tired, am I,
Of living someone else's dreams.

Thou, are older,
Agreed I lack your experience,
But yet, your dreams need not be mine.

Thou, are younger,
Agreed I lack your enthusiasm,
But yet, your dreams need not be mine.

Thou, are sharper,
Agreed I lack your intelligence,
But yet, your dreams need not be mine.

If thou can, please do
Help me discover my own dreams,
But no, not again force your dreams on me.

If thou can, please do
Help me analyze my own dreams,
But no, not again force your dreams on me.

If thou can, please do
Help me criticize my own dreams,
But no, not again force your dreams on me.

I too have dreams, I beg,
Thou value my dreams as you do yours,
Because my dreams are as mine as yours are yours.

Yes, this is indeed a prayer.
A prayer to restore my right to dream,
Because I too have sown the seeds of dreams.

And would love to live
On the fruits of my dreams, however bitter,
Because they are mine and always taste best to me.


  1. Its your right to dream No one can try to stop your dreaming.or even dare to snatch it from you.
    Its not only yours but also mine.
    Its the dream of every single individual who struggles for his existence.

    1. Yes, agreed. To every individual, his/her right to dream is one of the most significant rights and we need to respect that right of our fellow beings. That is why it is being asked in the poem that "Thou value my dreams as you do yours, Because my dreams are as mine as yours are yours."
