Aug 11, 2013


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Sometimes, I savour the serenity of solitude. 
Sometimes, I lament the lackluster loneliness. 

Sometimes, I cry in the dark - all alone, engulfed by fear.
Sometimes, I find solace only deep within the darkness. 

Sometimes, I feel I was terribly betrayed 
                             - my love never reciprocated.
Sometimes, I understand I was the one 
                             who betrayed many innocent hearts.

Sometimes, I think I have been wronged 
                            - the world has been very unkind.
Sometimes I realise I am over sympathetic 
                             to myself and harsh to mankind.

Sometimes, I break promises I made to 
                            my most loved ones and to myself.
Sometimes, I keep promises to them, 
                           whom I once considered insignificant.

Sometimes, I dance to the melody of a 
                           non existent rhythm in the noise.
Sometimes, I complain of a pseudo noise 
                           in a flawless random rendition.

Sometimes, I push myself in to that which,
                I have over the years avoided to venture into. 
Sometimes, I toil to pull myself out of that into which, 
                I once very enthusiastically plunged. 

Sometimes, I pursue that which,
                  for years I have consciously avoided. 
Sometimes, despite having arrived at the destination 
                 I passionately pursued for long, 
                I choose to walk into the wilderness of uncertainty.

Sometimes, I wonder if it is all a dream. 
Sometimes, I am reminded it is all a life.