Feb 26, 2014


Guy Fawkes mask: Truth, Protest or Farce?

Is it all a farce?
What seems is not what is
And what is, is not what seems.
A veil, a mask or skin -
How do I decipher?
Is it already deciphered?
What were once believed to be foundations,
Now I find myself question their existence.
All I perceive is chaos and only confusion.

I wish I could travel back in time,
Be the child I once was -
Jump in joy and sing in rhyme,
Aloof of truth and false,
Away from all this farce.


  1. What seems is not what is
    And what is, is not what seems..

    Nice lines.... considering these two lines seems like everything is just an illusion...
    is'n it ?

    1. Yes, to an extent. In the sense of it being a subjective reality, expect for the unmistakable and undeniable facts established by reason and science.
