Mar 12, 2014

The plight


     The angel and the devil look into each other's eyes and realize none has an answer yet. So they dive deep into their ocean of thought. They ponder and wonder, yet fail to render an adequate response. They shake heads in disagreement with themselves.
     Again, they look into each other's eyes and realize none has an answer yet. So again they dive deep into their ocean of thought. They ponder and wonder, yet fail to render an adequate response. They shake heads in disagreement with themselves.
     Again, they look into each other's eyes and realize none has an answer yet......
     Such has been their plight since they were posed the question - "If I consider myself as non-judgmental, am I not actually being judgmental?"

1 comment:

  1. "If I consider myself as non-judgmental, am I not actually being judgmental?"

    Well said!!!
