Apr 20, 2014

The promise of Democracy

"Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve."
- George Bernard Shaw

I am twenty-five.
High on hopes and dreams.
Yet never spared of
My share in pains and rains.
I now wish not for wings,
As I used to in the past.

I now wish,
At least someday in the future
We shall be capable to nurture
Our hard earned Democracy
And the true spirit it enshrines.

To be able to listen,
To be able to reason,
To be able to pardon,
To be able to condemn -
All this with deserved precaution
In the interest of the nation.
Unprejudiced, Never partisan.

To be able to think,
To be able to appreciate,
To be able to criticize,
To be able to exercise
Our own judgment & discretion,
Guided by reason & information.

To stay strong despite loud propaganda,
In favor of the nation's welfare agenda.

Because like the old Zen adage
That the master appears only
When the student is ready,
Maybe the promise of democracy
Is awaiting to be fulfilled only
By conscious participation of
                "a deserving citizenry"!

(Published in 'The Hindu', here)

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