Oct 20, 2014

A daughter in confusion.

Picture Credit: http://wp.production.patheos.com/
      I write this to you in a state of confusion. You have always been my never failing support system - always there for me. Especially after Dad expired, you have been both Mom and Dad to me.
      Now that I am 25 and as most Indian moms in this situation, you are busy looking at marriage alliances for me. But a thought haunts me deep down in my heart. Despite the optimism you have imbibed in me, I am cynical in this matter.
     I know most of the alliances you have looked till now have rejected us because in most cases either I am more qualified than the guy or I am professionally better placed than him. Despite all the claims of modernity of our society, we still expect the wife to be inferior to the husband in certain parameters as such. To generalize one profession to be better than another totally unrelated profession is at best ignorance. How fair to compare a doctor and a teacher and conclude all doctors are professionally better placed than teachers? Or is it actually true in a society which values professions on subjective perspectives and social opinions?
      Well, though that does trouble me, it is not the cause of the trauma that I undergo. These perspectives I hope will gradually change with the society realizing that qualifications and professions are not true measures to assess a person. Well for that matter, nothing is a precise measure to assess a person!
      The larger contradiction that haunts me is why is that only a girl has to worry about leaving behind her family and going to her husband's place? Do boys ever undergo the trauma of this thought whenever the issue of their marriage is raised? To say this is how it works in a patrilineal society is no cure to the agony of my heart.
       Every time you talk of my marriage, it haunts within me that I have to leave you - my mom, the house I grew up in - my home.... Can't I get married and yet stay back with you? Or still better, can't two entire families, as the circumstance be, come together in a marriage instead of two individuals coming together and only one of them sacrificing a lot? I agree such things do happen today, but only if the guy and the family are considerate enough. But how do we girls know if they are considerate enough? Talk to them, ask them, put your point across, communicate... Hahaha!!!
      Mom, will there ever be a day when girls like me staring into the entanglement of uncertainty will be spared of the trauma of the thought of leaving behind their families just because a decision made them part of another family? A decision that very subtly deprives girls of a lot of what is inexplicable.
Or Mom, am I just being a frustrated girl whose marriage has not happened yet and who unnecessarily thinks too much?

Yours loving,
A daughter in confusion.

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