Oct 28, 2015

Remains of the other

Pic Credit: favim.com
ये इल्म का सौदा, ये रिसाले, ये किताबें
इक शख्स की यादों को भुलाने के लिए हैं। 
                                               - Jaan Nisar Akhtar

(This frenzy for knowledge, these magazines, these books,
All are to help me get rid of the memory of one person)

I loved the moon, I loved the night.
I loved silence, I loved darkness.
I loved mountains, I loved oceans.
I loved the woods, I loved solitude.
I was not sure you loved any of these, And
I was afraid we disagree on a lot of things.
Our tastes seemed more than a world apart.
While you were willing to take a leap of faith, 
I chose not to walk along, but to walk out.

Now that I had shared all that I love with you,
I am not able to love them the way I did then.
The moon and the night remind me of the light,
The silence and the darkness of your breeziness,
The mountains and oceans of my lack of patience,
The woods and the solitude of life's thin rectitude.
Neither am I what I was, nor do I think you are.
Perhaps after crossing paths once, the old streams
Are never the same; In one are remains of the other.

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