Mar 8, 2017

Wish of Women's Day!


(On a day of wishes, I hate to be realistic. Wishes are largely Utopian and they compel us to introspect the reality. I am trying to look from a women's perspective below. No offence intended.)

       Dear father, before you wish me a Happy Women's Day and start boasting of how intelligent your grand daughter is with your acquaintances, why don't you accept me for what I am? I am a housewife who was married off in grandeur to suit your status unlike my brother who studied to be a doctor. And now that I enjoy the chores of being a housewife, do not let your modern liberal views look down on me.

      Dear husband, before you wish me a Happy Women's Day and get on your wishing spree on social media, why don't you help yourself to serve the breakfast which is all laid out on the table? Doesn't the irony cause any guilt in you that while you pose as a modern liberal accommodative of feminist views on Facebook at the dining table, I am asked to serve food in your plate? Small gestures of sharing the burden of our home could bring me a better cheer than your wish.

     Dear daughter, before you wish me a Happy Women's Day and drown yourself in celebration, why don't you pause and savour the womanhood in my company too for a couple of minutes? Why are all your intellectual ideas only for the crowds that clap and elite friends who admire? Is your concern and love only for victims of domestic violence and rape? What of women like me raped by subtle unconscious indifference? My freedom of choice governed by the interests of my family which at times are invisibly dictated to me.

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