Mar 28, 2018

Late night, long talks.

I miss those late night long talks.
Sometimes boys, sometimes girls.
But we were in those times, close friends.
Thoughts on the world and ourselves,
Flirting with taboos, woes, ideas, dreams.
Non-judgmental, as if lying naked,
Raw and true, sharing what the heart felt.
As if only over those calls we made love,
Unabashed, uninhibited, uncertain, aimless.
All over the place, random like natural energy;
Those talks were like beautiful entropy.

I am afraid, dead are those days.
We have got old and fallen into patterns?
Organised, uniform, well directed we talk.
Like we wake up, we behave and we work.
Like we learn, we earn and we burn.
Like we like, we tweet and we share.
Like we diagnose, we test and we treat.
Like we buy, we sell and we play.
Like we swipe, we flirt and we seduce.
Like we call, we chat and we mail.
But, I feel it has been long since I talked.
I miss those late night long talks.

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