Jun 30, 2014


Picture Credit: Myself!!
Person in the pic: Again myself:) !!

The angel and the devil were confessing their dark deep secrets to each other.
"You ever felt love. I have"
"I too have. How about lust?"
"Yeah, that too. Empathy?"
"Not sure how often, but yes. Greed?"
"Rarely, but not that rarely also. Kindness?"
"Something of that sort, often. Selfishness?"
"Kind of guiding motive. Compassion?"
"At times. Desire to exercise authority?"
"Usually when endowed with authority. Responsibility?"
"Whenever I have understood its significance. .....?"
"If we both experience all these, then why is it that one of us is the angel and the other devil?"
"Are you really sure who amongst us is the devil and who the angel?"


  1. So, why is it so?

    1. If you are asking why one is the angel and the other the devil, it is to drive home the point that in every angel there is a devil and in every devil an angel. If I have got your question wrong, kindly elaborate.

    2. You got my question right :)

      Its like two faces of a same coin (angel and devil). What i perceived is, we have these faces in us which will be opened up accordingly as per situation.

    3. Yeah, we all have both the angel and the devil within us. They are, as you rightly said, two faces of the same coin. But we all have a human face too! Despite the severity of the situations, if we can hold on to humanity, nothing better I suppose.

    4. You added humanity, is it different from angel and devil quality ?

    5. I meant human face includes the angel, the devil and extends much beyond.
      1. As humans we must be able to comprehend the complete picture rather than being tied down to narrow perspectives. Ex: We look at the bright side and admire (Angel) or look at the dark side and despise (Devil), but in actuality everything has pros and cons, so looking at the complete picture will help us understand it better (Human)
      2. Despite situations being critical, if we can stay human that would be more pragmatic. Ex: When we are in crisis, a few offer us lot of advice and sympathy or we accept it all without fighting back (Angel), few start listing the faults we made or we fight back against everything that comes (Devil). We actually need a friend who can understand the situation and if possible help us deal with it or we should get realistic and fight where we have to & accept what we have to. (Human)
      Essentially, the human I am talking of is more closer to the middle path of action and not passive neutral being who refuses to take any stand.

    6. Well said Sir :) and a statement you said, made an impact
      "everything has pros and cons, looking at complete picture will help us to understand better".

      Thank you for your time and patience....

    7. I am no "Sir".
      My pleasure :)

  2. hello sir, the article and the replies both are good
