Jul 2, 2014

Liberal candles of democracy!!

"Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself." - Desiderius Erasmus

      It was dark all around. Darkness was spreading at an alarming pace. The world, it was rumored, would plunge into darkness. The spirit was afraid the rumor was coming true. 
     Most candles found it wise to submit to darkness. Here and there, few candles which believed in the power of light chose otherwise.
"Why do you choose to burn?", the spirit asked.
"I choose to glow because that is what makes me a candle", it replied.
"How long?"
"As long as I can."
"What if the harsh winds that accompany darkness put you off?"
"I glow as long as I am capable."
"Like the individual liberal citizens who live by democracy!"
"What else can I do?"
"Is it not possible that the candles like you, who choose to glow, acquire the larger identity of fire?"
"What purpose will that serve?"
"So that the harsher the wind gets, the stronger the fire grows."
"But doesn't the fire burn down the world?"


  1. The last line just contradicts the whole understanding until then! Wonder what is it? Light turns to fire burning the world!!

    1. Well, the liberal citizens of democracy (candles) are usually silenced by the use of force or harsher undemocratic means (the winds). Such citizens coming together to form citizen centric organizations (fire) to fight the undemocratic means is the need of a robust democracy. But when such organizations adopt undemocratic means to achieve democratic ends, I think that puts democracy in grave danger (burns down the world).

      I hope we as citizens can all make sure the fire is strong enough to ignite and energize more candles (spread the spirit of democracy in citizens) but not insensitive enough to burn down the world.

  2. Ok, alright, in the name of good should not endup causing more destruction.
    Awesome writings!
