Mar 24, 2014

Walk through my dreams

Painting by Archana Sharma

Hand in hand, walk through my dreams
 And let me into the world of your dreams.
As I explore your dreams, I too evolve and
To discover my dreams is to discover me.
When we knit dreams together for the future
We shall know what one gave up for the other.

Call me neither a romantic nor a dreamer,
None is only that and none is exempt too.
I too am aware that to dream of love alone
Is to be blind to the many wonders of life.
But to not dream of love is to deny oneself
Of a beautiful ecstasy of human experience.

Not all those dreams are meant to be pursued.
Few dreams are best left only to be dreamt of,
Like distant stars, forest flowers, flawless life.
To attain them is to strip them off their magic,
Rendering them real only ruins their sparkle.
To reknit them in thy company is true miracle.


  1. very good poem. i am wondering how you get the time and mood to write poems amidst your rigorous training!

    1. Thank you :)
      They were written during holidays ;)
