Oct 1, 2015

A tap's predicament

Is there a tap that doesn't ever leak?

     I am a tap which believes it is leak proof in a system where I perceive it is pertinent to plug the leaks. I look at other taps and I understand there are two kinds of taps. One - the closed taps and the second - the open taps.
     As time passes by, I notice it is not all as black and white as I supposed it to be. There are these taps too which are neither closed nor open! They leak!! And a good number of us leak. Some are made to leak I am told. Some are applied with leak proof solutions and yet they refuse to mend their leaking habits. 
     Years on, I understand not all taps leak in the same way. The leakage pattern varies on their position in the pipeline. And I gradually realize no observation is a rule but has many shades and exceptions to it. I also get to see that if a tap is stubbornly leak proof, it is either broken or removed. If that is not feasible, the flow is so strong that the pipeline itself develops cracks through which it leaks.
      The leakage seems to be inevitable. I wonder why no tap can last its life without ever leaking. Years, decades and centuries go by and one day I suddenly realize if the goal of the system was to plug leaks, why on earth were we made taps!?
      As my existential crisis haunts me further, I wonder if we are all something else in the garb of taps or are we simply a design engineer's blunder? Or is it that the goal of the system is not to plug leaks but something else and we have wrongly assumed for ourselves a role of absurd importance? As I entangle myself more into the complexity, I am suddenly dismantled and the new generation electronic water plugs are put in place to prevent the leakage of what they think is water!

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