Apr 25, 2018

Conversation starter!

Picture Credit: Myself!

When they ran into each other after being busy in their lives for years, the Angel and the Devil greeted one another and hoped to find the right conversation starter.

"How are you?"

"Happy, sad, unsure, confused, exhilarated, broken, joyous, afraid, thrilled, jealous, healthy, perverted, grateful - in varying proportions at various times. Sometimes surprised that though shades of my moods contradict themselves, they co-exist!"

"Oh, I hope I got the apt conversation starter."

"Well, how about you?"

"Neither all those emotions at once, rarely any specific emotion at once. A chaotic simultaneous amalgamation of emotions on the non-linear spectrum of human life, bathed in shades of celebration, amazement, existence, monotony, frustration and fragility!"

"I guess it is a hell of a conversation starter!"

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