"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
- T. S. Eliot
PC: Myself!! |
हम जहाँ से भाग निकले थे, शायद उसी मंज़िल की ओर भाग चले हैं।
(Where we raced away from, probably that very destination we are racing towards.)
The angel and the devil were getting closer. Probably they were going farther apart.
"The closer we get, we realize how far we have arrived."
"The closer we get, we realize how far we have receded"
"The closer I get to my goal, I am able to understand it better."
"And that understanding leads me to question if this was the goal I dreamed?"
"The closer I get to my loved one, I get to know the details."
"And those details raise the question if it was this very person that I loved?"
"The closer I get to those I admire, I experience the aura they exude."
"And that short lived aura reveals their flaws and frailties, rendering that human too in flesh, blood and skin!"
"The closer I get......"
"...... the farther I remain."