Jan 20, 2011

Kiss the passing joy

ये शाम मस्तानी

"He who binds himself a joy
 Does the winged life destroy
 He who kisses the joy as it flies
 Lives in eternity's sunrise.
                          - William Blake"
     I have always wondered why is it customary to attach joy to success or a goal? Happiness is in the flow of life. Its not the destination but the journey that matters because destination is just the last part of the journey.
    Life is beautiful because of all its trials, disputes and tribulations. To admire life is to accept the challenges it throws, enjoying the struggle of survival, admire the beauty of nature, be amazed with the ability of life to play pranks at the most unexpected moments.
   An amazingly intelligent philosophy of life is that "there are no failures but only lessons". Each moment of our life we learn from everyone and everything we encounter. Looking at life is this light leads us to an alarming realization - none of us ever fail in life. The perception of failure in this dimension is filled with energy and is refreshingly positive!!