Nov 26, 2014

मुहब्बत के दर्द

PC: Kotresh HR

"The loss of love is a terrible thing;
They lie who say that death is worse."
- Countee Cullen

वो जो कभी मेरी रूँह की साँस थी
आज बस एक याद की परछाई हैं।
वो जो अभी मेरे दिल की धड़कन हैं
कल बस एक खयाल ही बन बचेगी।
लेकिन जैसे तब न साँस रोक पाया था
वैसे अब दिल की धड़कन न रोक पा रहा।
गुज़रे बिन रिहा कहाँ मुहब्बत के दर्द से?

(She who was once the breath of my soul
Is today only a shadow of memory. 
She who is now the beat of my heart
Will also one day remain only a thought.
But like how I couldn't stop breathing then
I am not able to stop my heart from beating now. 
Without having undergone, how is one 
                             liberated from the pain of love?)

Nov 12, 2014

Sea in shades of red

As the setting Sun paints the sea in shades of red,
For a fleeting moment, its blue the sea does shed.
I realize neither is the sea blue nor the Sun red,
An awareness leaves all my false fantasies dead!

Very next moment questions raise from the dead.
If fantasies are false, is awareness ascertained?
Visions and illusions - mere loafs of the same bread.
Between fantasies and awareness is truth all fazed!

Nov 9, 2014

The Gardener

PC: Kotresh H R

     "Wholeness does not mean perfection: it means embracing brokenness as an integral part of life."  - Parker Palmer

    He must be over seventy, though I did not ask him how old he was. He played a dual role. He was the gardener and the guard of the garden. He has been so for over two decades now. He dons these roles on behalf of the appointed government employees who pay him a part of their salary and visit once a while to cater to the paper work. This ad-hoc adjustment, an innovation at the lower rungs of Indian bureaucratic machinery, has existed in varying fashions. He recounts how he has been in and out of this work depending on the preference of those who are actually appointed to these posts. His pay is at their discretion, though in the recent years he thinks he is usually paid enough to sustain himself. 
     As we sit in the shade of the trees, he has watered and nourished these trees for over a score of years now, I ask him what he feels of the career he has built for himself. I get back an empty stare. He doesn't know what a career is. How foolish of me to ask so! To him, it is life. Not career. I curse my stupid obsession with careers. I am again reminded of what Cheryl Strayed wrote - "Don't lament so much about how your career is going to turn out. You don't have a career. You have a life."
       While I was framing questions in my mind, he sat silent. It seemed as though in silence he had found solace. He only replied, did not speak much. I didn't know what to ask of his job, though it had very much captured my interest. I was not sure if I could actually ask him of his job satisfaction. I finally asked him if he never looked for any other job during these years or was it like he loved gardening? Again a stare! But this time, he did open up. He explained - "I did look for jobs in the early years but this turned out to be easy and also paid me to a decent extent. After doing it for so many years, it has become part of my routine. Nothing like loving gardening but neither do I have problems with it." Silence again. 
       I felt the conversation was going nowhere. I was about to take his leave. But he began to speak again, this time by his own initiative - "You know, most of them who talk to me talk of the garden, the plants, the flowers, the rains and so on. Few talk of me and my job. Those who do, roughly fall into two categories. One, those who say I am lucky to be in this beautiful garden, such a beautiful job. Others pity my condition. They feel I am caged and chained in this lonely place for all my life. These all do raise questions in me. If I was timid not to explore the world or if I was lucky to tend to the garden? If I was lazy to find better prospects of earning? What if I would be thrown out when the next transfer takes place and the new employee may choose not to be my employer?"
"So the questions still haunt you?"
"Not actually. Now I am at peace."
"Oh, so you did find answers to those questions!"
"No, I have realized not all questions need to be answered."

Nov 6, 2014

Once an ocean...


और भी दुःख हैं ज़माने में मुहब्बत के सिवा
राहतें और भी हैं वस्ल की राहत के सिवा
मुझ से पहली सी मुहब्बत मेरे महबूब न माँग !
                                            - Faiz Ahmed Faiz

(Other pains too exist in the world, beyond love.
Pleasures too than that of the union of lovers.
Ask me not, my Beloved, for that love, I once had.)

     Once upon a time, like in those classic fairy tales, "love" happened. And then as in the stark reality of human existence, "life" happened.
     Years later when we both met, she stared into my eyes. She told me though there were traces of love, she could not find that ocean of love that I once had in me for her.
     I told her the ocean of love was for what she then was and not for what she now is.
     She corrected me when she said her concern was not if the ocean of love is still there for her, but that she could not find the ocean at all.
     I told her the ocean of love was in him who I then was and not in him who I now am.
     She asked me what happened to the ocean which was so vast and majestic.
     I told her the traces that she found now in me were what was back then the ocean.
     She was surprised and asked me how was it possible that the vast ocean of those days now seemed to be only traces.
     I told her maybe like me, she too had drowned in that ocean of life, the awareness of whose infiniteness shakes our perspectives so much so that what seemed oceans then, seem to be mere traces now.