Apr 2, 2017

Infidel called Life!

Picture Credit: Myself

"We complicate it. We weave a web of ideas round it, what it is and what it is not. But it is none of these things. Because it is so very simple it escapes us, because our minds are so complicated, so time-worn and time-based. And this mind dictates the activity of the heart, and then the trouble begins."
- (Why are we such tortured human beings?) 
Krishnamurti, Meditations,1969

That Utopian
Abstract ambition;
To attain which
At times we limit
Ourselves and our
Brethren to such a
Very narrow vision!

A tough tyrant
Aided by human emotion,
Instinct, desire, ambition;
Corrupts the epitome of
Our imagined ideality
Which is believed and
Adored by the society.

Too good in seduction.
Life fails to see
That deep deception!
Embroiled in the traps of
Immediate and urgent,
We lose sight of the
Important and pertinent.

Despite all
Being largely beliefs
And imaginations built
Over Centuries,
The blame is typically -
"Expect not fidelity
From that infidel
Called life!"