Oct 25, 2011

Mr.Prat and the rat!!

Hello, my name is Priyat Priyakar Prat
No, no, by no means am I a spoiled brat!
Teachers at the school called me smart.
All that they taught, I did 'by-heart'.
Few were my wants, a ball and a bat,
As days grew by, few claps or a pat.
Small was beautiful, always joy I got.
Bygone days seem the best of the lot.
Was taught by the learned, the way right -
Dreams should be big and indeed bright.
Grew in me thirst for a 'big' university hat,
Later in life, a pay check - little bit fat;
A sweet girl - cute, almost like a cat!
And to live in the city, a comfortable flat.

These days I give my job a good shot,
Stress and strain - weekdays are hot;
Shop on weekends at the city mart.
Appreciate my friends, their talent and art
At Orkut, Facebook or a similar spot.
Garden trees on the balcony in a pot,
Cinema, Lifestyle, Culture, Fashion - hobbies apart
My clutter give as gifts in service and play my part.
Simplifying my life - bit luxury and a lot,
Adds up though unintended under my cot!
Sometimes all this routine seems full rot,
I have tried Gurus who analysed my SWOT,
And sold me another of Aladdin's mat.
Surely in more merry, lives Jerry the rat!

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