Oct 21, 2011

My heart wants to write poetry!

"Simple, Sensuous, Impassioned"
                                                 - Milton's axiom on the essentials of poetry...

I know no rhythmical utterance,
My vocabulary may lack confluence,
I do not seem to voice in melody,
But still my heart wants to write poetry!

I am no master of composition,
My diction, am afraid, may fail in intonation,
I am yet to perfect lyrical delivery,
But still my heart wants to write poetry!

I am a novice at the art of punctuation,
My expression may lack articulation,
I find it tough to evoke symmetry,
But still my heart wants to write poetry!

Break the shackles, let the rules rust!
Poetry is beyond language & barriers, I trust.
Instincts and imaginations keep me rooted,
Feelings and emotions stir me inspired,
To flow with life unattached is true beauty -
My heart now lives in harmony with poetry!!

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