Apr 26, 2014

Meaning of it all?


        On the sea shore, lit by the moonlight of the night, sat the old man with his grand son. They were exhausted, it had been a hectic day's work on the boat. Battling the waves, they had ventured deep only to be humbled by the vastness of her majesty, the ocean. As if the serenity of the seemingly infinite vastness had sneaked into them, they both sat muted as though being personifications of silence.
      Breaking away from the spell of silence that had engulfed them, the grandson asked his grandfather - "I am mesmerized by the harmony with which you lead your life. How is it possible? Have you deciphered the meaning of it all?"
"The meaning of what all?"
"This entire existence? The highly intricate and entangled lives that we lead? The sophisticated global civilization that we are part of? The seemingly infinite tasks that we everyday engulf ourselves with?"
"I do not know what you are talking about!"
"To me, your life looks so fulfilled. It is like a divine melody flowing uninterrupted."
"It is the way you look at it."
"But still, to be able to live such a happy life, you should have understood life?"
"To live a happy life, you should live your life happily. What has understanding got to do with it?"

1 comment:

  1. It has the shades of Angel and Devil's conversations!!
