Apr 2, 2014

To be free is to be bound?

"To be free is to be bound.
Bound not by force,
But bound by choice!"

The angel and the devil were pitted in a duel.
"I am bound, chained. I yearn for freedom."
"I doubt if we are free only when we are bound?"
"I am bound to this daily work. No sight of freedom."
"I sense freedom, financial and social, only when I secure a job."
"I am bound to relationships. Fell in love and lost freedom."
"I sense freedom and a serene joy as I flow through love."
"I am overcrowded with information. Learn, learn, learn, when do I think for myself?"
"I sense freedom when I submerge myself in the world of thoughts. The more I learn, the better I think."
"So, what do you mean? I don't sense freedom?"
"Do you actually sense being bound?"

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